Шляхами успіху

Біографію О.А.Запорожець опубліковано у виданні
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка. Шляхами успіху

From the letter of Thomas Bachmann, Managing Director:
Dear Olga Antonovna Zaporozhets,
Years of dedication and hard work can bring a level of success that is truly noteworthy. Your credentials have earned you a place among the most important contributors to your profession.

ZAPOROZHETS, OLGA ANTONOVNA, chemist, educator; b. Kharkov, Ukraine, Sept. 27, 1958; d. Anthon Gordeyevich and Aleksandra Michailovna Kuyan; m. Yurij Petrovich Zaporozhets, Mar. 23, 1980; 1 child, Oksana. Bachelor's degree, Taras Shevchenko Kiev U., Ukraine, 1979, Master's degree, 1982, PhD, 1985. Cert, analytical chemist, lectr. Scientist Taras Shevchenko Kiev U., 1985-89, from asst. prof, to assoc. prof., 1989-97, assoc. prof., 1999-. Leader rsch. group analytical chemistry dept. Taras Shevchenko Kiev U., 1995. Contbr. articles to prof I. jours. Mem. Trade Union of Taras Shevchenko Kiev U., 1976. Recipient Jaroslav Mudry award Intemat. Found. Edn., 1995; grantee Internal Soros Sci. Edu. Program, 1993, 98. Mem. Mendeleev Chem. Soc. Avocations: tennis, music, animals. Office: Taras Shevchenko Kiev U Volodymyrska 64 Kiev 01033 Ukraine_Home_;_Khoreva 22/28 1 Kiev 04074. Ukraine Fax: 038 044 417 87 61. E-mail: zaporozh@profit.net.ua.

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