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Lyudmila Tsyukalo

Ph. D.

   Analytical Chemistry Department
   Faculty of Chemistry
   Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

address: 64, Volodymyrska street, 01033 Kyiv, Ukraine

tel.: +38(044)239-32-18
e-mail: tsyukalo@ukr.net

Research interests:

- new analytical forms of phtalexons and triphenylmethane dyes on the base of complex compounds adsorbed on the non-porous silica functionalized by the quaternary amonium salt;

- sorption-spectroscopic, sorption-atomic-absorption and visual test-determination of heavy metals and some anions in natural objects and foodstuffs;

- analysis of biological liquids and the means of hygiene.

Education and degrees:

Ph. D., analytical chemistry, 2006

M.Sc. (honoured): analytical chemistry, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 1999

Bachelor (honoured): analytical chemistry, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 1998

Professional Appointments:

2007 till now - young researcher, PhD, analytical chemistry department

2004-2006 – engineer, analytical chemistry department

1999-2002 – post-graduate student, analytical chemistry department

1994-1999 - student, the faculty of chemistry of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, the speciality of "Chemical control of the environment"

Dissertation thesis for a Candidate’s degree in chemical science:

"Phtalexons immobilized on silica surface - solid-phase reagents for sorption-spectroscopic and visual test-determination of Pb(II), Zn(II), F- and C2O42-"

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2006

Advisor: Prof. Olga Zaporozhets



30 scientific papers including 9 original articles, 4 patents of Ukraine and 17 abstracts of the reports at the conferences and symposia.


1. Zaporozhets O.A., Keda T.Ye., Seletskaya L.Ye., Sukhan V.V. Determination of molybdenum using 1,5- diphenylcarbazone immobilized on silica // Zhurn. anal. khimii (Journal of Analytical Chemistry). - 2000. – V.55, ¹7. – Ð.708-713.
2. Zaporozhets O.A., Keda T.Ye., Tsyukalo L.Ye., Sukhan V.V. Solid-phase reagents based on 1,5-diphenylcarbazone adsorbed on silica gel surface // Functional materials. - 2001. - Vol.8, ¹2. - P.382-385.
3. Zaporozhets O.A., Tsyukalo L.Ye. Xylenol orange adsorbed on silica surface as a solid phase reagent for lead determination using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy // Talanta. – 2002. – V.58. – P.861-868.
4. Tsyukalo L.Ye., Zaporozhets O.A., ²ùåíêî Â.Á. Immobilization of xylenol orange on silica from its aqueous solution // Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenko. "Khimija". – 2002. - Issue 38.– P.30-32.
5. Tsyukalo L.Ye., Zaporozhets O.A. Immobilization of triphenylmethane dyes on the surface of different nature silicas // Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenko. "Khimija". – 2003. - Issue 39-40. – P.11-12.
6. Zaporozhets O.A., Tsyukalo L.E. Test determination of lead and zinc in water with the use of xylenol orange immobilized on silica // Zhurn. anal. khimii (Journal of Analytical Chemistry). - 2004. - V.59, ¹4. - P.386-391.
7. Zaporozhets O.A., Tsyukalo L.Ye., Oles`kiv O.B. A new analytical form of methylthymol blue for the sorption-spectroscopic determination of zirconium // Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Questions of chemistry and chemical technology). – 2005. - ¹1. - P.13-17.
8. Tsyukalo L.Ye., Volovenko O.B., Zaporozhets O.A. Phtalexon cheltes ommobilized on silica as the new solid-phase analytical reagents // Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA (Bull. of "Kyiv Mohyla Academy" National University), "Chemical sciences and technologies". – 2005. – V.42. – P.37-40.
9. Zaporozhets O.A., Tsyukalo L.Ye. Determination of fluoride and oxalate using the indicator reaction of Zr(IV) with methylthymol blue adsorbed on silica gel // Anal. Chim. Acta. - 2007. - Vol.597, Issue 1. - P.171-177.

   Patents of Ukraine:

1. A way of sorption-spectroscopic determination of lead (²²). Pat. ¹ 9690. Ukraine. 7G01N30/48/ O.A. Zaporozhets, L.Ye.Tsyukalo. - ¹ u200502137; declared 9.03.2005; publ. 17.10.2005, bull. ¹ 10. - 6 p.
2. A way of test determination of lead (²²). Pat. ¹ 9689. Ukraine. 7 G01N30/48/ O.A. Zaporozhets, L.Ye.Tsyukalo. - ¹ u200502136; declared 9.03.2005; publ. 17.10.2005, bull. ¹ 10. - 4 p.
3. A way of fluoride determination. Pat. ¹. Ukraine. B01J20/283/ O.A. Zaporozhets, L.Ye.Tsyukalo. - ¹ à2006 07173; declared 27.06.2006; publ.
4. A way of oxalate determination in urine. Pat. ¹. Ukraine. B01J20/283/ O.A. Zaporozhets, L.Ye.Tsyukalo. - ¹ à2006 07174; declared 27.06.2006; publ.

   all publications

Participation in conferences:

   Oral (4):

2nd All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conference "Modern problems of chemistry" (Kyiv, May 2001).
All-Russian Symposium “Test-methods of chemical analysis” (Moscow, Russian, November, 2001)
3d All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conference "Modern problems of chemistry" (Kyiv, May 2002)
71st Scientific young researcher, student and post-graduate student conference, National University of Food Technology (Kyiv, April 2005)


International conference "Analytical chemistry and chemical analysis" AC&CA-05 (Kyiv, September 2005)
3d joint scientific conference in chemistry Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University and Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse (Kyiv, 2005)
   et al.

Awards and honours:

I award of the Ukrainian Concurs of scientific students works of chemistry, Kyiv, 1999

²²I award of the 2d All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conference "Modern problems of chemistry", (Kyiv, may 2001)

² award of the 3d and 4th All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conferences "Modern problems of chemistry", (Kyiv, May 2002 and 2003)


Labs and seminars in analytical chemistry for the I year students of the faculty of biology (2000).

Social records:
Born August 26, 1977 in Bar, Vinnitsa region, Ukraine
Family: married, with a daugther age 4
Language abilities: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Travels, walking and cooking.