Research interests:
- investigation of metal speciation in natural
surface waters;
- kinetic (chemiluminescent), voltammetric,
and chromatographic methods of the investigation of element speciation;
- study of metal ions complexation
with dissolved organic matters of natural water;
- environmental chemical analysis, ecological
monitoring of water bodies.
Education and degrees:
Ph. D., analytical chemistry, 2004
M.Sc. (honoured): analytical chemistry,
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2000
Bachelor (honoured): analytical chemistry, Kyiv
National Taras Shevchenko University, 1999
Professional Appointments:
since 2009 - researcher, Ph.D., analytical
chemistry department
2005-2008 - young researcher, Ph.D., analytical
chemistry department
2005 - young researcher, assistant professor,
analytical chemistry department
2003-2004 - young researcher, analytical chemistry
2000-2003 - post-graduate student, analytical
chemistry department
1995-2000 - student, the faculty of chemistry
of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, "analytical chemistry" speciality
Dissertation thesis for a Candidate’s degree in chemical science
"Hyphenated spectroscopic methods for the
determination of vanadium, iron, cobalt and copper speciation in natural water"
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2004
Advisor: Prof. Olga Zaporozhets
40 scientific papers including 2 reviews, 15 original
articles, 2 textbooks and manuals for students,
and 21 abstracts of the reports at the conferences and symposia.
1. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A., Linnik P.N. Forms of existence
of dissolved cobalt in water of the Dnieper reservoirs and its some
tributaries //
Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Vody
(Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology).
- 1999. - 21, ¹ 5. - P. 471-484.
2. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A. Calculating and experimental methods of investigation of the
cobalt and nickel coexisting forms in the Dnipro
reservoirs // Hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology. - Êyiv,
Nica-Centr, 2001. - V. 2. - P. 441-450.
3. Zaporozhets O.A., Linnik R.P. Chemiluminiscent determination of trace
amounts of sulphide-ions // Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka.
Khimia (Bull. Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Chemistry). - 2002. - Vol. 38. -
P. 26-29.
4. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A.
Solid-phase reagent for molecular spectroscopic determination of heavy metal speciation in natural water // Anal. Bioanal. Chem. - 2003. - 375. - P. 1083-1088 (full-text, pdf, 0,47 Mb)
5. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A. Comparative estimation of calculated and experimental
data of coexisting forms of iron, cobalt, and nickel in fresh surface
waters // Ekologicheskaja khimia (Ecological chemistry).
- 2003. - 12, ¹ 2. - P.79-92 (full-text, pdf, 0,69 Mb)
6. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A. Photochemical sample preparation
as important step in investigation of iron(III) and cobalt(II) in natural waters
// Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka.
Khimia (Bull. Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Chemistry). - 2003. - Vol. 39. -
P. 19-22.
7. Linnik R.P., Vasylchuk T.A., Zaporozhets O.A. Vanadium speciation in
natural waters // Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Vody
(Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology). - 2003. - V. 25, ¹6. - P.549-563.
8. Linnik P.N., Vasilchuk T.A., Linnik R.P. Humic Substances of Natural Waters and Their Importance for Aquatic Ecosystems: a Review // Hydrobiol. J. - 2004. - Vol. 40, ¹ 1. - Ñ. 81-107.
9. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A., Linnik P.N. Methodological peculiarities
of the investigation of speciation of metals in different oxidation
states in natural waters // The Black Sea ecological problems: Collected papers. -
Odesa: SCSEIO, 2004. - P.301-305.
10. Linnik P.N., Vasilchuk T.A., Linnik R.P. The role of humic substances in aquatic
ecosystems // Bull. of Ternopil National Pedagogical University. "Biology", issue
"Hydroecology". - 2005. - ¹ 3 (26). - P. 244-246.
11. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A. Vanadium, iron, cobalt and copper coexisting forms in water
of the Dnieper reservoirs and some ukrainian river // Bull. of Ternopil National
Pedagogical University. "Biology", issue
"Hydroecology". - 2005. - ¹ 3 (26). - P. 246-248.
12. Linnik R.P., Linnik P.N., Zaporozhets O.A. Methods of investigation
of metal speciation in natural waters (Review) // Metody i obiekty khimicheskogo analiza (Methods and objects of chemical analysis). - 2006. - V.1, ¹ 1. - P. 4-26.
(full-text, pdf,
0,77 Mb)
13. Zaporozhets O.A., Linnik R.P., Volovenko O.B., Radzievska T.M.
1-(4-adamantyl-2-thiasolylazo-)-2-naphtol immobilized on silica surface
in copper speciation analysis in natural //
Metody i objekty himicheskogo analiza. - 2007. - V.2, ¹1. - P. 40-50.
14. Linnik R.P., Zaporozhets O.A. Chemiluminescent and sorption-spectrophotometric
methods as effective tools for monitoring of water bodies metal pollution //
Bull. of Ternopil National Pedagogical University. "Biology", issue
"Evaluation of the ecological status of water bodies
and hydrobionts adaptation". - 2008. - ¹3(37). - P.87-92.
15. Linnik P.N, Vasilchuk T.A., Linnik R.P.,Ignatenko I.I.
The co-existing forms of heavy metals in surface waters of Ukraine
and the role of organic matter in their migration // Metody i objekty himicheskogo analiza.
- 2007. - V. 2, ¹ 2. - P. 130-145.
16. Linnik P.M, Zhezherya V.À., Linnik R.P. Al(III) complexation with humic substances
as an important factor of its migration in surface water bodies //
Hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydroecology.
Kyiv, 2009. - Issue 17. - P. 127-133.
17. Linnik P.N., Zhezherya V.À., Linnik R.P. About some features of Al(III) complexation
with humic substances // Metody ta objekty khimichnoho analizu (Methods and objects of chemical analysis).
- 2009. - V. 4, ¹ 1. - P. 73-84.
Textbooks and lab manuals for students:
1. Zaporozhets O.A., Linnik R.P.
"Methodological approaches to speciation of metals in natural waters",
selected chapters of the
course "Metal species in environmental objects and the methods of their investigation",
textbook, 2005, 47 p.
2. Zaporozhets Î.À., Nadzhafova O.Yu., Smyk N.I., Zin`ko L.S., Lysenko O.M., Doroschuk V.O.,
Verba V.V., Kostenko L.S., Ischenko V.B.
Practicum in analytical chemistry, 2005, 50 p.
(full-text, pdf, 2,2 Mb)
all publications
Participation in conferences:
Oral (6):
1st òà 2nd All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate
student conferences
"Modern problems of chemistry" (Kyiv, May 2000, 2001)
All-Russian conference "Actual problems
of analytical chemistry" (Moscow, Russia, 2002)
1st and 2nd All-Ukrainian scientific conferences "Hydrology, hydrochemistry
and hydroecology" (Kyiv, 2001 and 2003)
International conference "Analytical chemistry
and chemical analysis", AC&CA-05 (Kyiv, September 2005)
Poster (13):
9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe "Quality
of Life and Cultured Landscapes" (Leipzig, Germany, 1999)
12th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe "Challenges in environmental Risk Assessment and
Modelling: Linking Basic and Applied Research" (Vena, Austria, 2002)
Euroanalysis XII (Dortmund, Germany, 2002)
5th All-Russian conference on the analysis of environmental objects "Ecoanalytics-2003"
(Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2003)
International forum "Analytics and
Analysts" (Voronezh, Russia, 2003)
International Congress on
Analytical Sciences ICAS-2006
(Moscow, Russia, 2006)
abstracts of conference
reports (included in the full list of publications)
Awards and honours:
II award of the scientific student
conference (Kyiv, May 1999)
Young Europeans Environmental Research (YEER) grant for
the participation in 9th Annual Meeting of
"Quality of Life and Cultured Landscapes"
(Leipzig, Germany, 1999)
National Academy of Science of Ukraine award for student
(March 2000)
²²I award of the 2d All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conference
"Modern problems of chemistry", (Kyiv, May 2001)
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
for the participation in the All-Russian conference "Actual problems of analytical chemistry"
(Moscow, Russia, 2002)
Grant of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)
for the participation in Euroanalysis XII (Dortmund, Germany, 2002)
Grant of the President of Ukraine for talanted youth
for the realization of the project "Immobilized organic reagents for the
express-control of the contents of
heavy metal toxic forms in natural waters" (2003-2004)
Grant of the President of Ukraine for young scientists
for the support of scientific researches "The modern methods and approaches
to the improvement of the ecoanalytical
monitoring of the water bodies of Ukraine" (2006)
Labs and seminars in analytical chemistry
for the I year students of
the faculty of biology (2002)
Labs "Kinetic methods of
analysis" for the 5th year students of the faculty of chemistry (2003-2006).
Lecture course and seminars, "Analytical Chemistry"
for the 3d year students of the faculty of geography (2004).
Labs and seminars in analytical chemistry for the
II year students
of the faculty of chemistry (2004-05)
Social records:
Born September 20, 1978 in Kyiv, Ukraine
Family: married
Language abilities: Ukrainian, Russian, German, English
photography, travels, wood-carving.