Kachan Igor

Kachan Igor

  Researcher, Assistant Professor
  Analytical Chemistry Department
  Faculty of Chemistry
  Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

address: 64, Volodymyrska street, 01033 Kyiv, Ukraine

tel.: +38(044)239-33-04
e-mail: resha@meta.ua

Research interests:

determination of biogenic elements (phosphorus, silicon) and toxicants in the objects of environment

analysis of medicines and bioactive compounds (adrenaline, isoniazid, ascorbic acid)

development of solid-phase reagents on the base of heteropolyacids immobilized on silica and their application for pharmaceutical, food and environmental analysis

Education and degrees:

Ph.D., analytical chemistry, 2008

M.Sc. (honoured): analytical chemistry, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2004

Bachelor (honoured): analytical chemistry, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2003

Professional Appointments:

2009 till now - assistant professor, analytical chemistry department, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

2007 till now - researcher, analytical chemistry department, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

2004-2008 assistant professor, analytical chemistry department of the National University of Food Technology

2004-2007 - post-graduate student, analytical chemistry department, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

1999–2004 - student, the faculty of chemistry of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, "analytical chemistry" speciality


Labs in analytical chemistry for the 2nd year students of the chemical faculty of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (2009 till now)

Labs in analytical chemistry for the 2nd year students of the chemical faculty of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (2005-2006)

Labs and seminars in analytical chemistry for the 2nd year students of the faculty of baker's and zymotic industries and the faculty of sugary matters, National University of Food Technology (2004-2008)

Labs and seminars in "Methods of Foodstuffs Safety Control" for the 5th year students of the faculty of of baker's and zymotic industries, National University of Food Technology (2004-2008)

Dissertation thesis for a Candidate’s degree in chemical science

"Ion associates of molybdic heteropoly acids immobilized onto silica as new analytic forms for the determination of P, Si, Sb, oxidants and reductants"

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2008

Advisor: Prof. Olga Zaporozhets



More then twenty scientific papers including 6 articles and 2 patents of Ukraine


1. Zaporozhets O.A., Ivanko L.S., Kachan I.A. Solid-phase reagent on the basis of molybdophosphoric heteroplyacid for sorption-spectroscopic determination of ascorbic acid. // Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Questions of chemistry and chemical technology). - 2005, ¹1. - P.9-13.
2. Kachan I.A., Ivanko L.S., Zaporozhets O.A. Determination of organic reductants with immobilized onto silica molybdophosphoric heteropolyacid. // Magisterium "Natural sciences". - Êyiv: "Kyiv Mohyla Academy" publishing house, 2006. - V.24. - P.51-53.
3. Kachan I.A., Zaporozhets O.A., Zinko L.S., Koval A.A. Solid-phase spectrophotometric determination of the reductants in solution by the reaction of a "blue" heteropolyacid forming // Metody i obiekty khimicheskogo analiza (Methods and objects of chemical analysis). - 2006. - V.1, ¹2. - P.127-131.
4. Zaporozhets O.A., Zin`ko L.S., Kachan I.A. Solid-phase–spectrophotometric and test determination of simultaneously present phosphorus forms (phosphorus speciation) in water // Zhurn. anal. khimii (Journal of Analytical Chemistry). - 2007. - Vol.62 (12). - P.1146–1150 (full-text, pdf, 160 Kb)
5. O.A. Zaporozhets, I.A. Kachan, L.S. Zin`ko, J.G. Evlash, S.I. Levchenko. The solid-phase reagents on the base heteropolyacids and their ion assosiates immobilized onto silica // Visnyk Kharkivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu. "Khimija" (Kharkov University Bulletin. Chemical series) – 2007. - ¹. 770 - Issue 15(38). - P. 155-162
6. Kachan I.A., Zaporozhets O.A., Zinko L.S., Bas J.G. Immobilization of molybdo-phosphoric, molybdo-antimono-phosphoric and molybdo-silicic heteropoly acids onto silica via adsorption // Kharkov University Bulletin. Chemical series - 2008. - ¹ 820 - Issue 16(39) - P. 183-187

    Patents of Ukraine:

1. A way of sorption-spectroscopic determination of ascorbic acid. Pat. ¹19302 of Ukraine, 8 G 01 N 21/31 A 61 K 31/375. / O.A. Zaporozhets, L.S. Zinko, I.A. Kachan. - ¹ u 2006 06113; declared 02.06.2006; publ. 15.12.2006, bull. ¹12, 8 p.
2. Test method of ascorbic acid determination in fruit juices. Pat. ¹19303 of Ukraine, 8 G 01 N 33/02 C 07 D 307/ O.A. Zaporozhets, L.S. Zinko, I.A. Kachan. - ¹ u 2006 06114; declared 02.06.2006; publ. 15.12.2006. bull. ¹12, 4 p.
    all publications

Participation in conferences:


First international scientific and practical conference "Ecotrophology. Modern problems" (Ukraine, Bila Tserkva, June 2005)

7-th All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conference "Modern problems of chemistry", (Ukraine, Kyiv, May 2006)

Session of Scientific Council of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on «Analytical Chemistry» (Ukraine, Kharkyv, May 2007).

The fifth scientific joint conference in chemistry "Kyiv -Toulouse" (Kyiv, Ukraine, May 2009)


The third joint scientific conference in chemistry Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University and Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse) (Kyiv, Ukraine, May 2005)

International conference "Analytical chemistry and chemical analysis" AC&CA-05 (Ukraine, Kyiv, September 2005)

The fourth joint scientific conference in chemistry Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University and Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse) (France, Toulouse, June 2007)

The XI-th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds ISIC-11 (Ukraine, Kyiv, June 2007)

Awards and honours:

III award of the 4th All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conference "Modern problems of chemistry", (Kyiv, May 2003)

I award of the 71st Scientific young researcher, student and post-graduate student conference, National University of Food Technology (Kyiv, April 2005)

I award of the 7th All-Ukrainian student and post-graduate student conference "Modern problems of chemistry", (Kyiv, May 2006)

Social records:

Born: September 11, 1982 in Hola Prystan`, Kherson region, Ukraine
Family: single
Language abilities: Ukrainian, Russian, English


cinema, music, gardening