05.11.07 A new article published: Zaporozhets O.A., Zin`ko L.S., Kachan I.A. Solid-phase–spectrophotometric and test determination of simultaneously present phosphorus forms (phosphorus speciation) in water // Zhurn. anal. khimii (Journal of Analytical Chemistry). - 2007. - Vol.62 (12). - P.1146–1150. 03.09.07
A new presentation by Prof. Olga Zaporozhets was added to the "Selected presentations":
01.10.07 A new article was published: Zaporozhets O.A., Bilokon` S.L., Tischenko S.P. Solid-phase spectrophotometric determination of arsenium in the form of reduced HPA // Ekologicheskaja khimia (Ecological chemistry). - 2007. - ¹2. - P.91-98. 02.09.07
A new article was published: O.A.Zaporozhets, L.Ye.Tsyukalo.
Determination of fluoride and oxalate using the indicator reaction of Zr(IV)
with methylthymol blue adsorbed on silica gel // Anal. Chim. Acta. - 2007. -
Vol.597, Issue 1. - P.171-177.
03.07.07 Impact factors of the journals in analytical chemistry grow - information from Elsevier 25.05.07 Our website starts on the web. Welcome! |