Gawer O.M.
"The combined spectroscopic methods of Pb (II), Cd (II), Cu (II), Co (II), Ni (II) determination with loaded onto silica gel
sulfarsazene and brombenzthiazo" (1999)
Smyk N.I.
"Copper and iron chelates adsorbed on silica as solid-phase redox reagents for the determination of the organic
reductants" (2000)
Ivanko (Zinko) L.S.
"Antraquinone, flavonoids and crown-ethers, immobilised onto silica gel as analytical reagents for Sn(IV), Tl(III), Zr(IV) and fluoride determination" (2001)
Linnik R.P.
"Copper and iron chelates adsorbed on silica as solid-phase redox reagents for the determination of the organic reductants" (2004)
Krushynska O.A.
"Copper and iron chelates adsorbed on silica as solid-phase redox reagents for the determination of the organic reductants" (2005)
Ischenko M. V.
"The combined spectroscopic methods of Pb (II), Cd (II), Cu (II), Co (II), Ni (II) determination with loaded onto silica gel sulfarsazene and brombenzthiazo" (2006)
Tsyukalo L. Ye.
"Phtalexons immobilized on silica surface - solid-phase reagents for sorption-spectroscopic
and visual test-determination of Pb(II), Zn(II),
ZrOCl2, F- і C2O42-" (2006)
Kachan I.A.
"Ion associates of molybdic heteropoly acids immobilized onto silica as new analytic forms
for the determination of P, Si, Sb, oxidants and reductants" (2008)
Linnik S.L.
"Функціоналізовані кремнеземи для відокремлення, концентрування та визначення
мікрокількостей Арсену та Селену" (2008)
On-going thesis projects:
Keda T.Ye.
"Diphenylcarbazide, diphenylcarbazone and diphenylthiocarbazone immobilized on silica as
solid-phase reagents for sorption-spectroscopic
and visual test-determination of selected metals"
Volovenko O.B.
"Immobilized organic reagents in toxicological
and clinical analysis"
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